ManagePay - Sign Up To Join US


Company type

Please choose a company type:

Proprietors/Partners/Director Details

Male Female

Merchant Login Details

(You will use these details to sign in to your merchant portal)

Company Details

Service to Subscribe

Select the service you wish to subscribe:

MPay Pro With MPay Balance (FREE)
MPOS (RM750.00) (details)
Internet Payment Gateway (RM2299.00) (details)
EDCPOS Dial Up & IP (RM1020.00) (details)
EDCPOS GPRS (RM1860.00) (details)
Processing Fees (RM30.00)

(click here for details)

Company Supporting Document

Please upload your company supporting document:

1. I warrant and confirm that all information given above is true, complete and correct and further authorise MPay to verify the information by whatever means MPay considers appropriate.
2. I understand that MPay may decline this application without giving any reason whatsoever.
3. I agree to the Service Charge that have been imposed by MPay and MPay reserves the right to change or vary the said Service Charge by giving 90 days written notice.
4. I agree to all Terms and Conditions that govern the usage of MPay services. These Terms and Conditions are subject to revision by MPay and I will be notified in a manner as MPay deems appropriate.
5. I understand and agree to provide MPay written notice of any changes of information that was originally provided in this application.
6. I understand that once my application has been approved by MPay, I will have to sign a Sponsored Merchant Agreement with the acquiring bank to complete the registration.
7. I further agree that MPay reserves the rights to accept or reject such changes (if any) without giving any reason as MPay deems fit.

I hereby acknowledge and agree to the Terms and Condition.

Package Details

Deposit (Refundable): 200.00
Non Refundable Processing Fee: 200.00
Onsite Setup: 50.00
12 Months Rental: 300.00
Total Fee:
Price Inclusive 0% Service Tax

Internet Payment Gateway
One Time Setup Fee: 599.00
Non Refundable Processing Fee: 200.00
12 Months Rental: 1500.00
Total Fee:
Price Inclusive 0% Service Tax

Deposit (Refundable): 300.00
Non Refundable Processing Fee: 200.00
Onsite Setup: 100.00
12 Months Rental: 420.00
Total Fee:
Price Inclusive 0% Service Tax

Deposit (Refundable): 600.00
Non Refundable Processing Fee: 200.00
Onsite Setup: 100.00
12 Months Rental: 960.00
Total Fee:
Price Inclusive 0% Service Tax